Monitoring of serial production (SIDAS® OEE)
In cases where the manufacturing technology is composed of a huge amount of automatic or semi-automatic machines, which produce hundreds and thousands of products, we have to monitor other indicators. Among these the most significant are number of pieces, number of scraps, downtime, stand-still reasons, the total effectiveness, etc. For the extraction of such indicators from complex built manufacturing technologies the SIDAT product SIDAT SIDAS® OEE is dedicated.
When solving such a topic in a long term basis, we have been using proven solutions - the real-time databases IP 21 from the AspenTech company and iHistorian form GE. Both platforms utilize the data compression technology. By the OPC Gateway we normally provide the interface to the control system of the manufacturing technology. In this manner the fail-safe data transfer from the environment with heterogenous industrial communication standards (S7, MODBUS TCP, CAN, PROFINET, etc.) can be reliably secured.
The data which is stored in the real-time database we subsequently present in a graphical form. In doing so, the products delivered together with the database (e.g. AspenTech ProcessExplorer WEB) or our own product SIDAT SIDAS® RT can be used.
The SIDAS® RT solution enables to integrate diverse databases and other data sources. To perform various calculations and data aggregations required by the customer and to approach them via the www browser either in the form of classical data or dynamic curves and technological screens.